stillpoint yoga

yoga meditation and philosophy with Lynn Fraser
in the Himalayan Tradition of H.H. Sri Swami Rama


Himalayan Tradition

Swami Rama

What Is Yoga?




Off The Mat

Daily Practice





Prerequisites/Foundational Practices

Month 4: 


¨      Science of Breath, Chapter 3, “Following Your Nose, Nasal Function & Energy”

¨      YI Reprint, “Balancing Active and Receptive Energies, the Practice of Nadi Shodhanam”


¨      First two weeks – three rounds of 12 breaths of one method of Nadi Shodhanam

¨      Second two weeks – three rounds of 12 breaths of one method of Nadi Shodhanam three times per day

¨      Familiarize yourself with three beginning methods of Nadi Shodhanam that you would be prepared to teach to a class

¨      Journal for five minutes a week on your observations about this practice


Month 5: 



¨      Science of Breath, Chapter 4, “Portal to Higher Awareness, the Science of Breath”

¨      YI Reprint, “Bhastrika & Kapalabhati



¨      Daily practice of ten minutes – your choice of practices from the first four months

¨      During the month, read and experiment with Kapalabhati so you have a basic understanding of the practice. Prepare a list of questions or concerns to address at the second-year retreat.

¨      During the month, read and experiment with Bhastrika so you have a basic understanding of the practice. Prepare a list of questions or concerns to address at the second-year retreat.

¨      Journal for five minutes a week on your observations about this practice


Before the second-year retreat:

¨      Review your journals from the last five months.  Contemplate and journal on your experiences.

¨      Prepare a list of questions for discussion at the retreat.